Friday, December 19, 2014

Yosef's Transformation

In the Shabbat Assembly, I spoke to the students about the transformation that happened to Yosef from Potiphar's house to the jail. In Potiphar's house he was a slave but not in a jail cell. He was chased after by Potipahr's wife and when he refused her advances she turned the tables on him. She screamed and claimed Yosef had attacked her when no one else was in the house. Potiphar returns home and he sentences Yosef to jail. Yosef is not able to even plead his case. He was quiet and reserved. He receives no trial.  I shared with the students that in Jewish Law cases are brought before a Beit Din for judgement and in the United States every person has the right to their day in court.  The evidence must prove guilt not the feeling or emotions of one person. Once in jail there was a transformation. The pasuk (39:21) states that Hashem gave Yosef "Chesed" and and put "Chan" favor in the eyes of the warden of the jail. I am interpreting this pasuk to mean that Yosef was able to be himself and show his charisma and honesty. The warden was able figure out the real personality of Yosef. He made Yosef into the leader of all the prisoners. This might not seem like such a great position but it was a position of leadership. This is where the transformation of Yosef from a depressed slave sold by his brothers to a leader who will rule Mitzrayim begins.
Sometimes in the most strange environments or situations we learn about ourselves and transform ourselves for the future.

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