Friday, December 19, 2014

Taking a chance when opportunity knocks

In Parshat Miketz we see an example of taking the chance when opportunity knocks. The Parsha starts with Pharoh's dream about 7 fat cows and 7 skinny cows. Then a second dream about 7 healthy looking ears of grain and seven thin ears grain. In both dreams the skinny or unhealthy images eat the healthy images in his dream. Pharoah is distraught and troubled what does this dream mean? He asks his advisors but not one of them could interpret the dream. Finally one of his servants Head of Cupbearer remembers that Yosef had interpreted his dream in jail. Pharoah summons Yosef to stand before him and interpret these dreams. Yosef is rushed to the palace and given a haircut, new clothing and a good shower.  In front of Pharoah, Yosef interprets the dreams. You will have 7 good years that will be plentiful and then you will have 7 years of drought and desolation of crops. Why two dreams with the same message because it will happen very soon. Looking at the dreams Yosef's interpretation is very logical and makes sense. According to many commentators that is where the interpretation stops. The next part of Yosef's speech is a suggestion that Pharoah hire someone, smart who can make a plan to collect the surplus from the good years so Mitzrayim will have food through the bad years. Hint Hint He is talking about himself. Hire me to manage the project. This was a bold move by Yosef. It is not easy to see in the dreams where there is hint to hire a new officer, but Yosef took the change when the opportunity afforded itself. He was in the presence of the most powerful person in Egypt. Yosef took the chance to promote himself and it worked. He was led around the Egypt on a chariot with people calling out this is the viceroy of Egypt.  This is an example for us to take the chance when the opportunity presents itself maybe this why Hashem put you in that place.
Shabbat Shalom

Yosef's Transformation

In the Shabbat Assembly, I spoke to the students about the transformation that happened to Yosef from Potiphar's house to the jail. In Potiphar's house he was a slave but not in a jail cell. He was chased after by Potipahr's wife and when he refused her advances she turned the tables on him. She screamed and claimed Yosef had attacked her when no one else was in the house. Potiphar returns home and he sentences Yosef to jail. Yosef is not able to even plead his case. He was quiet and reserved. He receives no trial.  I shared with the students that in Jewish Law cases are brought before a Beit Din for judgement and in the United States every person has the right to their day in court.  The evidence must prove guilt not the feeling or emotions of one person. Once in jail there was a transformation. The pasuk (39:21) states that Hashem gave Yosef "Chesed" and and put "Chan" favor in the eyes of the warden of the jail. I am interpreting this pasuk to mean that Yosef was able to be himself and show his charisma and honesty. The warden was able figure out the real personality of Yosef. He made Yosef into the leader of all the prisoners. This might not seem like such a great position but it was a position of leadership. This is where the transformation of Yosef from a depressed slave sold by his brothers to a leader who will rule Mitzrayim begins.
Sometimes in the most strange environments or situations we learn about ourselves and transform ourselves for the future.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Yaakov to Yisrael - The name Change and life change

At the Shabbat asembly for Vayishlach we talked about a game changer, the name change of Yaakov to Yisrael. Based on a Dvar Torah from Rabbi David Fohrman we walked through Yaakov life and how his personality changed with his name. When we are first introduced to Yaakov at his birth we are told he was holding onto the heel of Esav, the עקב. The heel is shaped like a "U" and through out Yaakov early years he approached life in a round about way. For example, the blessing from his father Yitzchok was not a straight forward episode. He went a very round about way to receive the Berachot. We hear Esav cry out to his father that "Hi is   named correctly Yaakov he tricked me many times" Perek 27:36
 וַיֹּאמֶר הֲכִי קָרָא שְׁמוֹ יַעֲקֹב, וַיַּעְקְבֵנִי זֶה פַעֲמַיִם
 Another example of his Yaakov tendencys  is his reaction to his dream of the ladder and angels. Hashem promises him that he will become a great nation and that Hashem will protect him. Yaakov 's response could have been thank you very much. His response was conditional if you do the following things for me than I am all yours. Again he was not direct. In Lavan's house his marriage to Rachel was round about etc...
When does all this change? Once Hashem says your name is Yisrael his approach is different. He is more direct. Thename  Yisrael, ישראל  has in the first 3 letters the word ישר  "straight." or direct. Look what happens in the next episode of the Parsha. Yaakov meets with Esav his brother, who wanted to kill him over 20 years ago. Yaakov could have traveled back home without going through Seir, Esav home, but he did not. He went straight to Esav and met him face to face. Later Hashem promises him a great nation an he accepts it without any conditions. Yaakov is embracing his new name and attitude of being direct. We could we could learn a lot from this approach. If we have a conflict or argument with some we should have direct conversation about the issue and not go around it. If we need some help or need to give advice be direct, be nice but also be direct.  Yisrael (Yaakov) learned over his lifetime that being straight froward works much better that avoiding.