Friday, January 31, 2014

Parsha questions in Hebrew

Attention students of Yavneh Academy. Answer these Hebrew questions and hand them in to the office for 50 nekudot!!!!

פרשת תרומה

 א. ממה היה עשוי הארון?
מעצי ברוש
מעצי שיטים
מעצי ארז
מעצי אורן

ב. במה ציפו את הארון?
 1. בנחושת
ג.  מה הונח בארון?
שני לוחות הברית
כתר תורה
 ד.  כמה כרובים היו על הארון?
1. שלושה
 ה.  מה שמו על השולחן?
 1. את לחם הפנים
ספר תורה
את לוחות הברית
קורבן תמיד
  ו. מה הבדיל בין הקודש לקודש הקודשים?
 1. קיר
 ז.  למה שימשו אבני השוהם ואבני המילואים?
  1. לאפוד ולחושן

ח.  איזה כלי היה עשוי מקשה אחת?

Friday, January 24, 2014

Winter Break Parsha Questions for Mishpatim

Attention Yavneh Students these are the Parshat questions for this week. 
Answer and bring to office for Nekudot 
Enjoy the short video called "Daka L'Parasha" from our 5th Grade Morot. 
You can print the page with the Picture at the bottom

Parshat Mishpatim Questions
1. What year is a Shimetta year?
2. What are you not allowed to do in a shimetta year?
3. How many times do we go up to Yerushalyim for the chagim?
4. How many days was Moshe on Har Sinai?
How is Shavuot referred to in this week's parsha?
How many prohibitions are transgressed when cooking meat and milk together?
What was written in the Sefer Habrit which Moshe wrote prior to the giving of the Torah?
What was the livnat hasapir a reminder of?

שאלות – פרשת משפטים
מתי חלה שנת שמיטה?
מה אסור לעשות בשמיטה?
כמה פעמים בשנה עולים לרגל?
באיזה שם נוסף נקרא חג הפסח?
מהו חג הקציר?
מהו חג האסיף?
כמה ימים היה משה בהר סיני?
איזה חודש הוא חודש האביב?

Great website  - Shayleyeladim

Friday, January 17, 2014

Being Grateful Every Time

Recently in Parshat Beshalach, the Jewish People were fleeing Egypt and came to a road block. Well, literally they came to a water block. They had the Red Sea in front of them.  They could not cross with their families and all their possessions. Behind them were the Egyptians led by the Pharaoh himself. The Egyptians realized they made a huge mistake in allowing the Jewish People to leave and now they wanted to capture them and bring them back. God instructs Moshe to tell the people, do not fear I will save you. He commands Moshe to raises his hand and the sea splits. The Jews walked through the dry land to the other side. The Egyptians run in after them but the walls of water come crashing down on them.   (Look at a new website for some great paintings of these event)
WOW! What an event to read about but how much more so what an event to witness. At that point the Jewish People must have been on a super high.  However, the very next section of the narrative we find the Jewish People complaining about water and then soon after about food. Rashi and others explain that they were not recognizing how much good God had done for them. The were being ungrateful כפוי טובה in Hebrew. They were not able to say thank you about all the good that had just happened, they were just thinking of the next difficulty.

I shared with the students that in our lives we have a lot of people that care about us and do "good" for us. Our parents, families, teachers, and friends do many things to help daily. We become so accustomed to their assistance and good nature that we begin to expect it. We forget to acknowledge them with a "thank you". each time something is done for us because we expect  it from them.  This is what I think was happening to the Jewish People. They were so accustomed to God doing "good" for them they were forgetting to say than you and appreciate all that had been done.

We need to thank and show gratitude for the people that help each time. Each time our parents make dinner or us say thank you. Each time we have clean clothing in our room say thank you. Each time a teacher shows you how to understand a new concept say thank you. Each time your friend helps you say thank you.  If we take this approach we will be learning to be grateful every time and we will lead a more content and happy life. 

Winter Break - Parasha Questions and Dvar Torah

Attention Yavneh Students these are the Parshat questions for this week. 
Answer and bring to office for Nekudot 
Enjoy the short video called "Daka L'Parasha" from our 5th Grade Morot. 
You can print the page with the Picture at the bottom  

Parshat Yitro Questions
1 What did Yitro see Moshe doing  from morning till night? (18:14)
2 What advice did Yitro give to save Moshe from wearing himself out? (18:21)
3 What  event were Bnai Yisrael preparing themselves for over three days? (19:14-15)
4 Who were the only two people allowed to go on Har Sinai? (19:24)
5 What day of the week does the Torah say, “Do not do any work”? (20:10)
שאלות - פרשת יתרו
מי היה חותן משה?
מי הייתה ציפורה?
מה היו שמות בניו של משה?
מהו החודש השלישי, שבו ניתנה התורה?
מה אסור שיגע באבני המזבח?
האם מותר לעלות למזבח במדרגות?
על איזה הר ניתנה התורה?
מה הציע יתרו למשה?
באיזה מעמד נשמע קול שופר חזק?

Click here to watch  "Daka L'Parasha"  

Great website for games on Parsha  - Shayleyeladim 

Dvar Torah

COMMANDMENT #5: "Honor your father and mother."
Question: The first tablet contains laws of בין אדם למקום between man and Hashem  and The second tablet is a list of בין אדם לחבירו between one person and another. It would seem that is should be on the first tablet, is Commandment #5 - honoring parents -on the wrong tablet!
Answer: The example par excellence of the relationship we have with God is the parent-child relationship. It is based purely on gratitude. With God, it is abstract; with parents it's concrete. Parents brought you into the world and changed your diapers! They bought you food, clothes, and toys and stayed up when you were ill. If we don't honor our parents, how will we be able to transfer this respect to our Creator?
The transmission of our tradition is only possible out of respect for the previous generation. They are one link closer to the source! All Jewish tradition is based on this.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Parsha Questions Vayera

Attention Yavneh Students these are the Parshat questions for this week. 
Answer and bring to office for Nekudot 
You can print the page with the pic link at the bottom 
Parsha Questions for Parshat Vayera
1.      What are the names of the three plagues that appear in Parshat Bo? (10:4, 10:22, 11:14)  
2.      Did Pharoah have a change of heart as a result of the plague of locust? ( 10:16)
3.      How many days did the plague of  darkness last? ( 10:21-22) 
4.      Which month is referred to in the Torah as the “First Month”? (12:1)
5.      What did the Jewish people do on the 10th of Nissan to prepare for Pesach? (12:3-5)
6.      What two foods is it a Mitzvah to eat with the Korban Pesach? (12:9)
7.      In what season did Bnai Yisrael leave Mizrayim? (13:4-5)
8.      What Mitzvah do we learn form the last Pasuk in this week’s parsha?. (14:16)
9.      What is the special name for the night that Bnai Yisrael left Mitzrayim? ( 12;42

10.    Why did the Jewish people carry the Matzah on their shoulders rather than having animals carry it? (12:34 Rashi)

שאלה: מי אכל את כל עשב הארץ?
רק תשובה אחת נכונה- בחרו בה
שאלה: כמה זמן נמשכה מכת החושך?
רק תשובה אחת נכונה- בחרו בה
ארבעה ימים
חמישה ימים
שלושה ימים
שאלה: איזה חודש נקרא ראשון לחודשי השנה?
רק תשובה אחת נכונה- בחרו בה
שאלה: מתי מקריבים את קרבן הפסח?
רק תשובה אחת נכונה- בחרו בה
בי"ב בניסן
בט"ו בניסן
בט"ז בניסן
בי"ד בניסן
שאלה: על מה נתנו מדם קרבן הפסח?
רק תשובה אחת נכונה- בחרו בה
על הדלת
על הקיר
על התקרה
על שתי המזוזות והמשקוף

Thursday, January 2, 2014

It is Smart to Ask for Help?

Last week at the Shabbat assembly, I spoke to the students about how "smart" it is to ask for help. We are not perfect at everything and all of us can benefit from assistance at times. Sometimes we feel like we are "dumb" if we ask for help, so we keep trying, but we may not always be successful.
It reminded me of the time we drove as a family to Boston. I was the driver and I knew the correct direction to Boston. This was before we had GPS in our cars or on our phones.  We were on the interstate going north and all was going well. We were making great time and everyone was enjoying the car ride. We passed a sign that read 100 miles to Boston. Great!  Then, about 20 minutes later, I saw another sign that read 120 Miles to Boston. How was this possible if we were still going north on the same interstate and I did not exit it???  The only other person in the car who saw the sign was my wife.  She said that something wasn't right.  She suggested that I stop for directions. Was she serious?  How could I be getting lost going from NJ to Boston? I was going north.  I decided that I was still correct and continued driving. At the next sign, which read Boston 140 miles, I had to give in and ask for help. It turns out that I had missed a turn to the north east spur of the interstate to Boston.
Why didn't I ask for help earlier?  I did not want to look dumb. In the end, I looked much worse when we were 40 miles out of the way.  In Parsaht Vayera we see that Moshe made a good decision to ask for help. He was asked by Hashem to speak to Pharaoh and ask for the Jewish People's release from slavery. Moshe asked for help since he knew he was not a clear speaker. Moshe could have said to himself that it would make him look bad to have someone else with him.  Instead, in my opinion, Moshe taught us an important lesson, that it is ok to ask for help. In fact, it is smart to ask for help.
We can ask for help from our parents, teachers, brothers, sisters and friends. Of course, we can return the favor when they ask us for help, too.