Sunday, October 14, 2012

Gan Eden:Our Homes and Schools

At the Shabbat Assembly this past week,  I spoke about Adam in Gan Eden. We talked about how "man" was created last of all the creations. The sun and the moon were already in place for him. The trees and the grass were growing for him. Rivers and oceans were filled with water for him. Man, Adam, had everything he needed to be successful. Hashem had set up Adam's environment so that mankind could flourish and be successful. Adam was given the job, as the Torah states, "to work it and guard it" (Bereshit 2:15). Adam's job was to keep the great environment that was created for him running smoothly. He needed to take care of things in order for Gan Eden to be useful for mankind.

I connected this idea to our homes and then to our great school. I said that the children’s homes are their own Gan Edens that their parents have created for them and their families. Parents give their children the resources they need in order to grow emotionally and physically   In school, parents and teachers have created a wonderful environment for the students to grow academically, emotionally and physically. We have great classes in which they learn Math, Science, English, History, Chumash, Navi, and Ivrit, as well as Art and Music. We have amazing grounds for recess and PE classes. We can play in kickball leagues, on floor hockey teams, on basketballs teams, and be part of debate and stock market teams and much, much more. 

Our job as students is to "work and guard" our Gan Eden. We need to work at making our school a place that is good for everyone, one in which  all students and staff feel comfortable and thrive. We also need to take care of it physically, by cleaning up after ourselves and picking things up off the floor. It is, in its own way, our Gan Eden, of which we should be proud.

We need to support our school and keep our Gan Eden functioning. One way to show your support is to participate in the 5K run or in the 1 mile walk on November 11, 2012. Just being there to cheer on the runners is a statement that you care about your school.  Last year over 200 Yavneh students participated in the run. This year there is a new way that you can show your support. You can set up a webpage and obtain sponsors or donations for your participation in the event.
As people who benefit from our school we need to work for it and guard it for the future. Be like Adam and support your school, your Gan Eden!

For more information, check out our website at

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