Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Yaakov to Yisrael - The name Change and life change

At the Shabbat asembly for Vayishlach we talked about a game changer, the name change of Yaakov to Yisrael. Based on a Dvar Torah from Rabbi David Fohrman we walked through Yaakov life and how his personality changed with his name. When we are first introduced to Yaakov at his birth we are told he was holding onto the heel of Esav, the עקב. The heel is shaped like a "U" and through out Yaakov early years he approached life in a round about way. For example, the blessing from his father Yitzchok was not a straight forward episode. He went a very round about way to receive the Berachot. We hear Esav cry out to his father that "Hi is   named correctly Yaakov he tricked me many times" Perek 27:36
 וַיֹּאמֶר הֲכִי קָרָא שְׁמוֹ יַעֲקֹב, וַיַּעְקְבֵנִי זֶה פַעֲמַיִם
 Another example of his Yaakov tendencys  is his reaction to his dream of the ladder and angels. Hashem promises him that he will become a great nation and that Hashem will protect him. Yaakov 's response could have been thank you very much. His response was conditional if you do the following things for me than I am all yours. Again he was not direct. In Lavan's house his marriage to Rachel was round about etc...
When does all this change? Once Hashem says your name is Yisrael his approach is different. He is more direct. Thename  Yisrael, ישראל  has in the first 3 letters the word ישר  "straight." or direct. Look what happens in the next episode of the Parsha. Yaakov meets with Esav his brother, who wanted to kill him over 20 years ago. Yaakov could have traveled back home without going through Seir, Esav home, but he did not. He went straight to Esav and met him face to face. Later Hashem promises him a great nation an he accepts it without any conditions. Yaakov is embracing his new name and attitude of being direct. We could we could learn a lot from this approach. If we have a conflict or argument with some we should have direct conversation about the issue and not go around it. If we need some help or need to give advice be direct, be nice but also be direct.  Yisrael (Yaakov) learned over his lifetime that being straight froward works much better that avoiding. 

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