Thursday, November 27, 2014

The blink of an Eye..Follow your instincts

At the Shabbat Assembly last week I discussed with the students the power of a "blink". That moment in time when your think without thinking. You make decision based on what you see in that instance. In the Parhsa of Tolodot we have the episode of Yitzchok's blessings to Yaakov. Let's look for Yitzchok "blink" moment.  Realizing the he was getting older and about to die, Yitzchok sends Esav to prepare food for him so he can eat and then give him a Beracha before he dies. Esav leaves and Rivkah tells Yaakov now is the time to get the Blessings. Yaakov bring the food into his father's tent and the reaction right away from Yitzchok is, "Who are you?" Yitzchok's first response was how can this be it is too quick for all the food to prepared. Then Yitzchok starts a process and he talks to this son, feels the skin of this son, smells the scent of this son, and is convinced by his investigation that this is indeed Esav and he blesses accordingly. Almost immediately right after Yaakov leave the tent Esav walks in with all the food and tells his father he is ready. Yitzchok is shocked and afraid. He was right his first inclination was a correct one. The first person was Yaakov not Esav. Although the first born blessing needed to go to Yaakov as part of Hashem's plan for the future of Bnei Yisrael we can still learn that the "blink" is right most of the time.  There are times each day that we need to make decisions and we need to trust our instincts and make those
decisions. It could happen on a test when we see and questions and are not sure about the answer. Always go with your first choice. It could happen on the bus when you are not sure if it is the right thing to do.  Your first feeling about it is most probably correct. It happens when we talk and play with our friends. Should I say this or play it this way? always go with what you feel in your gut, in to stomach.  
To quote form Malcom Gladwell's website "Blink reveals that great decision makers aren’t those who process the most..."  

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