In parshat Noach we find a person who needs to withstand the pressures of a corrupt society. We are told that Noach was the only Tzadik in his generation. Can you imagine his life?! He was surrounded by people doing the horrible things. How does someone not fall to the level of the people around him?. Not only did Noach not sink to their level but he raised himself to the level of a Tzadik. One who walked with Hashem. Hahsem selected Noach and his family to be saved from world destruction. I think that Noach was able to stay away from the pressures of his surrounding because he isolated himself. He became only interested in himself and his family. Hashem told him to build an Teva and he did it. Hashem told him to enter the Teva and Noach did not ask Hashem for his best friends to join him because he had none. He was occupied with building an inclosure, the Teva, that would save his family. Interestingly after Noach, his family and the animals board the Teva the Pasuk reads "And Hashem closed him inside". My understanding it that Hashem was isolating Noach from all the the bad that was going to happen in the flood waters outside the Teva. Inside the Teva Noach was able to teach his family and feed the animals. Noach was living metaphoraclly in a Teva his whole life. Secluded from the horrible people of his generation and the bad influences. Noach's life teaches the lesson of protecting youself first, removing ourselves from bad situations. Removing ourselves from bad people, friends. As students in a school you might be with some children who are making fun of someone on the bus. What do you do? Do you join in? Do you move away. You might be at a playdate on Shabbat and the your friend starts doing something you know is wrong. What do you do? Do you remove yourself?. Moving away from a situation is not easy, but sometimes required. There are times that we need to close ourselves in our own Teva to protect ourselves, just like Hashem closed Noach in the Teva to save him, It is better not to associate ourselves with people who do the wrong and bad things.The lesson from Noach's life is simple to see and hear but hard to accomplish. I pray that we all have the stregnth when needed to remove ourselves from bad influences.
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