דבר תורה פרשת ויקרא
Parshat Vayikra teaches us about the Oleh offering. There are many reasons to bring the Korban Olah. It could be brought by someone who has committed a sin, someone who has not done Mitzvah, someone going to Yerushalayim for the Shalosh Regalim, orjust by someone who wants to connect with Hashem. It is a korben that is completely burnt on the mizbe'ach to Hashem.
The Torah lists that the Korban Oleh can be from an Ox, a Sheep/Goat, or a bird. These are mentioned in order of expense and the best one. The ox is the most expensive and the most ideal, and bird least expensive. Interestingly the "Torah list the three in separate paragraphs which are separated completely. Why would the Torah spend the time to separate these animals if they are for the same Korban?
According to the Abarbenal, the Torah is showing us that each Oleh is important, no matter it is made of. The important part is that the person is serving Hashem within his means, and the offering is obviously appreciated.
In a few days we will celebrate Purim and we have mitzvot of Megilah, Mishloach Manot, Matanot Levyinim, and the Meal. We have such a great opportunity to perform these mitzvot. Each mitzvah should be done within our means, however we are able to do them, and if we try and do what we can, Hashem will be happy with the mitzvot that we do.