Friday, December 23, 2016

דבר תורה פרשת וישב

דבר תורה פרשת וישב

There are so many times in this week's Parsha that Yosef finds himself in trouble situations. Each time, he somehow comes out in an okay position.  First, Yosef is thrown into the pit by his brothers to die, and then by chance a merchant caravan travels by and saves him. Next, while Yosef is working in the palace of Potiphar, Potiphar's wife accuses him of some wrongdoing, and he is then banished to jail. Another fall. In jail, somehow he meets some other prisoners, and he is brought out of jail to serve in the palace again.
Some people might call this luck or coincidence, but I am going to call it a נס, a miracle, or God guiding our lives from above.  Why נס?
נס in hebrew is translated literally as a banner or a sail. These two items are things that lead people. The sail is there to give a boat direction and a banner tells people which way to go.  The נס for Yosef was God directing his life to success. 

Even the word נס in Hebrew alludes to the combination of fall in the direction and going back . נס is spelled Nun Samech (נ ס).  The Nun (נ) as we see in the Talmud refers to the word נפל - falling down. The Samech (ס) reference is to סמח which is to support and pick up, give direction. So the word implies both falling, and getting up or supporting. 

This is exactly what happened with Yosef. Each time that he was put in a tough situation, each time he fell, he was brought back up, was supported. This was not a coincidence - this must have been a נס - a miracle - from Hashem, who supports each and every one of us when he fall. 

Shabbat Shalom, 
Rabbi Steven Penn

Friday, December 9, 2016

דבר תורה פרשת ויצא

דבר תורה פרשת ויצא

Yaakov comes a long journey, and reaches Eretz Bnei Kedem, right near Charan. He arrives to the well outside of the city to see that there are some flocks of sheep along with three shepherds waiting to drink. There is a big rock on top of the well, and Yaakov asks, "Why don't you take the rock off of the well, so that your sheep can drink?" They respond that they CAN NOT remove it until all of the other shepherds come. It is too heavy to be removed with just three shepherds! Each day, they have a meeting time for all of the shepherds to come together to take the rock off of the well, and at that time they all give their sheep something to drink. 

Right then, Rachel was coming to the well. When Yaakov sees Rachel coming, he goes to the well and removes the rock so that he could give water to her sheep. 

How was he able to remove the rock all by himself, wasn't the rock too heavy?

Rabbi Norman Lamm says that he was able to do this because he put his mind to it. The shepherds did not believe that they could do it, so they were not able to. If you put your mind to something, and it is important enough to you, you will be able to do it. Yaakov shows us this. 

Later on, in Parshat Vayishlach, when Yaakov is fighting with the angel, at one point, it says that the angel realizes that he COULD NOT beat him. This shows us again, how Yaakov is triumphant when he has an attitude that he CAN do it. 

If we believe that we CAN do things, anything is possible. Progress is made able by attitude. We should take a lesson from Yaakov Avinu and realize that we are capable of anything that we set our mind to. 

Shabbat Shalom, 
Rabbi Steven Penn 

Friday, November 18, 2016

דבר תורה פרשת וירא

דבר תורה פרשת וירא

In the beginning of Parshat Vayeira, we have the famous story of 3 visitors that come to the tent of Avraham. At quick glance it looks like there are 3 different parts to this story. First, God appears to Avraham. Then, Abraham meets and serves these men (angels). Lastly, Avraham speaks to God, begging him not to destroy Sodom. 

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks points out that there is another way to look at these pasukim. Look at them as if they come together to make one story. God appears to Avaraham, and before He can start talking to Avraham, these men enter the scene. Avraham serves these men and after they leave, God speaks with Avraham.  

If you take a close look at Pasuk Bet, that might be what Avraham is saying to God. " My lord, if I please you, do not go on past your servant (me, avraham) until I have given these people food and drink." Avraham then turns to the men and offers to get them something to drink. 

How can that be? How can avraham out interrupt God and say "Hey, wait a minute while I take care of these people." This seems disrespectful.

Rabbi Sacks points out that this is the exact point of the story. The order of the psukim is specifically this drastic to show us that offering hospitality to human beings is very important.  The Talmud Shabbat 127a quotes this pasuk when it states, "Greater is hospitality than the divine presence." 

When Avraham asks God to wait for him, he was showing us, by example, how we need to treat other human beings. We are the only creation that was created in the image of God. By showing respect and kavod to others we are in turn showing respect of God.

These are the messages that we are trying to convey to our students over the course of this year with our monthly themes. Each month, we are working on treating each other better and showing respect and kindness to all. 

Shabbat Shalom, 
Rabbi Steven Penn

Friday, November 11, 2016

דבר תורה פרשת לך לך

דבר תורה פרשת לך לך

In parshat Lech Lecha, Avraham is told to leave his homeland and his birthplace. He is asked to make changes from what was happening in the past. There is the obvious physical change of location - moving to a new place, and there is also the bigger change in human responsibility.  

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks points out that Avraham is the first character in the Torah to take personal and communal responsibility.  Adam denied this sort of responsibility when he blamed Eve for his sin. Cain evaded responsibility by killing his brother. Noah claimed responsibility for himself but not for the larger community. 
Avaraham shows that he has accepted this responsibility over and over. He first takes this responsibility on when he listens to the command of God to leave his home. This is something that is not natural or easy, but he knew he should do it. Then, he accepts responsibility for his nephew when he is taken captive by Sodom. After that, Avraham shows this amazing communal responsibility again as he prays to save the lives of the people of Sodom. He knows that they are mostly bad, but that there are some good people who should not get punished. 

With the introduction of Avraham in this Parsha, we have a new role model for human kind. One that takes responsibility for his own actions, feels responsible toward the greater community, and is responsibility toward God.

Taking responsibility for our actions is something that sets human beings apart from the animal kingdom. We might fail  at times or make mistakes, but we need to recognise it and take it. We should all follow in the footsteps of Avraham Avinu and take on our responsibilities toward our family, friends and community. 

Shabbat Shalom, 

Rabbi Steven Penn

Friday, November 4, 2016

דבר תורה פרשת נח

דבר תורה פרשת נח

The opening Psukim of Parshat Noach speak about how the world has become corrupt. It is filled with robbery and moral decay. Hashem tells Noach, the tzadik of the his time, that He plans to bring a flood to destroy the world. Noach is given the chance to build an ark to save himself, his family and the animals. In the the description of the corruption of the world, the Torah says that not only were the people stealing and cheating from each other, but even the animals were disgusting to Hashem.

In pasuk 6:12
  • "כִּי-הִשְׁחִית כָּל-בָּשָׂר אֶת-דַּרְכּוֹ, עַל-הָאָרֶץ"
Rashi explains this pasuk to mean that animals of different  species mated with other. The immorality was so widespread that it had reached the animal kingdom.  The Beis Halevi   asked - how is this possible? Animals do not have a free will, they act on instinct. How could it be that a lion would want to mate with a bear?  The Beis Halevi answers with a Midrash quoted by Rashi and tells us that when mankind becomes so wicked or mean, we affect our surroundings. We have a negative influence on our entire world, including the animals.

Rav Avrohom Yaakov Pam points out that the Beis Halavi’s answer gives us a powerful insight into how our actions as human beings influence everything around us. When we act in ways that are contrary to the moral code of society and Torah, we bring down the people around us, our children, our friends, our co- workers, our students. When our society goes down this path, there is a feeling in the air that things are not right, a feeling that all is permitted.  

On the same note, doing good deeds and doing the right things can affect our society in a very positive way. People who do this make their community stronger and kadosh. At Yavneh, last month’s theme was “Acts of Kindness - Big or Small Kindness to All.” Over the Sukkot break, our students kept charts of the acts of chesed that they did. They were asked to do one act a day for the 10 days. Over 250 students completed the chart. These acts, big and small, are ways that we strengthen our community.

Try doing something good for someone else today and know that by doing that good deed, you are setting our community and society on the right path.

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Steven Penn

Friday, June 17, 2016

דבר תורה פרשת נשא

דבר תורה פרשת נשא

Parshat Naso speaks about the korbanot that the nesiim brought. As it lists them, we see that they are each bringing identical korbanot, but each still gets listed individually. The Torah could have listed them all together to save space and time. 

Why was it important to list them all separately if they are exactly the same?

Saul Blinkoff is a Jew who animates movies for Disney. He came to Yavneh a couple weeks ago to speak about his journey getting to this point in his career. He spoke really well, and everyone enjoyed listening to him. He also spoke at my shul that Shabbos, about the exact same thing, and I went anyway. I enjoyed listening to him the second time, the same amount that I enjoyed the first time. 

There are two lessons that I was able to learn from this. First, sometimes doing the same exact thing twice has an impact in the same way it did the first time. If the first time made a big impact, usually the second time will make the same impact or an even bigger impact. 

The second thing that I learn from the Nesiim is that if every person is going the same mitzvah, or the same thing, each person individually is appreciated for his strengths. Even if it appears to be the same exact korban, each individual who brought it is important in his own right, and is important to mention. 

Shabbat Shalom, 

Rabbi Steven Penn

Friday, May 27, 2016

דבר תורה פרשת בהר

דבר תורה פרשת בהר

We have just come off from our fun-filled activities of Lag Baomer. Lag Baomer is all about achdut and coming together as a nation to celebrate together. Rabbi Akiva's students struggled to be a cohesive unit, and because of this, they were punished. Each of them slowly started getting affected by a plague that took them over. Lag Baomer was a day that they stopped dying. This is a day to rejoice and celebrate the end of this terrible plague. It is also a day to reflect on how we are treating each other and to assess whether there are any areas where we could improve on when it comes to watching out for our fellow Jews.

In Parshat B'har, Hashem makes a promise that if Bnei Yisrael follow the laws of shmita and do the right thing, they will have enough food for the 6th, 7th and 8th year.

How is it possible that everyone will do the right thing?

It is nearly impossible to expect each person in such a big nation to do the right thing at all times. I believe that the message here is that each of us needs to make sure that WE are doing the right thing, so that we could pick up the slack of people who might not be doing the right thing. If we work together, and each try our best to do the right thing, we can make sure that we are covered for this blessing that Hashem has given us.

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Steven Penn

Friday, May 6, 2016

דבר תורה פרשת אחרי מות

In honor of this week's Teacher Appreciation Week, and Mother's Day coming up on Sunday, I took the opportunity to show the students a short video about gratitude today at Shabbat Assembly.

Click here for a link to the video.  

Shabbat Shalom, 

Rabbi Steven Penn

Friday, April 8, 2016

דבר תורה פרשת תזריע

דבר תורה פרשת תזריע

This week's parsha speaks about the punishment for someone who speaks Lashon Hara. If someone is speaking Lashon Hara, they begin to get this skin disease called Tzraat. Once this person sees that they have Tzraat they need to spend time separated from everyone else, outside of the camp. The Cohen comes to look at their condition very sporadically. He checks how they are doing and then comes back 7 days later.

Why does the Cohen wait 7 days to check their skin again? Why can't he come every day to look and see how their disease is healing?

There is an important lesson to be learned from here. If a person looks at the same thing every day it will always look similar to him. It is very hard to see change if he is constantly looking and evaluating it. The best way to evaluate change is by taking a step back and reviewing it at a later time.

While we try to grow and develop into better and more aware people, it is important for us not to get discouraged if we don't see instant change. Change takes time, and the best way to evaluate the changes that we make is by giving ourselves the time and not getting impatient when we do not see the results right away. After time, it is exciting to look back and realize how much we have accomplished.

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Penn

Friday, March 18, 2016

דבר תורה פרשת ויקרא

דבר תורה פרשת ויקרא

Parshat Vayikra teaches us about the Oleh offering. There are many reasons to bring the Korban Olah. It could be brought by someone who has committed a sin, someone who has not done Mitzvah, someone going to Yerushalayim for the Shalosh Regalim, orjust by someone who wants to connect with Hashem. It is a korben that is completely burnt on the mizbe'ach to Hashem. 

The Torah lists that the Korban Oleh can be from an Ox, a Sheep/Goat, or a bird. These are mentioned in order of expense and the best one. The ox is the most expensive and the most ideal, and bird least expensive.  Interestingly the "Torah list the three in separate paragraphs which are separated completely. Why would the Torah spend the time to separate these animals if they are for the same Korban?

According to the Abarbenal, the Torah is showing us that each Oleh is important, no matter it is made of. The important part is that the person is serving Hashem within his means, and the offering is obviously appreciated.  

In a few days we will celebrate Purim and we have mitzvot of Megilah, Mishloach Manot, Matanot Levyinim, and the Meal. We have such a great opportunity to perform these mitzvot. Each mitzvah should be done within our means, however we are able to do them, and if we try and do what we can, Hashem will be happy with the mitzvot that we do. 

Friday, March 11, 2016

דבר תורה פרשת פקודי

דבר תורה פרשת פקודי

וַיָּבִיאוּ אֶת הַמִּשְׁכָּן אֶל משֶׁה אֶת הָאֹהֶל וְאֶת כָּל כֵּלָיו קְרָסָיו קְרָשָׁיו בְּרִיחָיו וְעַמֻּדָיו וַאֲדָנָיו
 (שמות לט:לג)
Now they brought the Mishkan to Moses, the tent and all its furnishings its clasps, its planks, its bars, its pillars and its sockets.

After all the parts of the Mishkan were completed, Bnei Yisrael brought those parts to Moshe so that he could assemble the Mishkan himself. Why couldn't they build it on their own? Why did they need Moshe's help in assembling the Mishkan?

Rashi asks these questions above - Bnei Yisrael could not build the Mishkan themselves? 

He gives an amazing answer from which we could a valuable lesson. Bnei Yisrael could not build the Mishkan because the parts were so incredibly heavy. Since Moshe had not done any work for the Mishkan, Hashem had told Bnei Yisrael to bring the parts to Moshe so that he could build it, and therefor take part in the Mishkan. 

After receiving the parts, Moshe asks Hashem, "How am I going to be able to build this Mishkan if it is not able to be built by the hands of a human being? (since it is too heavy)"

Hashem replys, "Keep your hands busy - make it look like you are building it - and it will get built." 

And, as Hashem had said, the Mishkan rose up and was built. This is why a few psukim later it says "הוקם המשכן" - "The Mishkan was erected."  It uses a passive voice - to say that Moshe tried to build it and make it stand - but it stood up by itself, miraculously. 

In our lives we all have areas that we work hard in - our jobs, our hobbies, our families, and our friends. We must continue to try our best in those areas, but it is also important to know that Hashem is there every step of the way. He gives us the illusion that we are doing all of this work, so that we feel we are playing our part, but He is carrying us through these difficult times, we just have to notice Him. 

Friday, February 5, 2016

דבר תורה פרשת משפטים

דבר תורה פרשת משפטים

There used to be a cartoon show called Jimmy Neutron. In each episode, he would create an invention to make life better for himself. In one specific episode, Jimmy makes some invention that made all the parents disappear and the kids ruled for the day. Kids were SO excited! This meant no school, ice cream for all meals, no need to shower - they were elated!

At some point during the episode, this excitement dissipates. You see is piles of smelly dirty laundry, kids are lying on their backs moaning because their stomachs hurt from all the junk food - they look horrible. The house is dirty, they are dirty, and they cant function - they need help.

Jimmy realizes that being without parents is not as great as he thought it would be.

In Parshat Mishpatim we got all of these laws that we are supposed to follow. These laws may seem like a burden, but what they create is a structure for us to live our lives in the best way that we can. HaShem knows the broader picture and understands that these laws are a good framework for being happy and living in the best way as a Jew. Sometimes it might feel like these laws are hard to follow, and some people may have thoughts to throw them away, but imagine what life would be like without them. We would be without structure, and without purpose. Life would be meaningless. Let's read this weeks parsha with a new found love for the laws that Hashem generously created for us. 

Friday, January 15, 2016

דבר תורה פרשת בא

"וּשְׁמַרְתֶּם, אֶת-הַמַּצּוֹת" 

The Torah give Bnei Yisrael instructions to guard the Matzot in order to make sure that they do not become chametz. As they were leaving Mizrayim things were happening so fast and they did not have time to make full bread - they were only able to make matzot.  Chazal teach us that this Pasuk is actuall a paly on words. Instead of reading it "Matzot", it could be read "Mitzvot". That we should be very careful, and guard the Mitzvot from becoming chametz. 

What does that mean? How could a mitzvah become chametz?
It is explained that we should constantly be running to do mitzvot and not wait on them. If an opportunity for a mitzvah presents itself, we should jump at it.  We should not say that we will do it later - in 10 mins or 30 mins  - because it might not be there then and we will miss the chance. 

If we have the chance to help our parents, we should do right away. Your mom asks you to take out the garbage - do it right away, not once the show you're watching is over. If you could give help to your friend - do it right away. If you have just finished eating - say birkat hamazon right away! If not, you might forget to and miss the mitzvah.

Doing these mitzvot right away will help us get more mitzvot done and will not allow opportunities to slip through our fingers. If we take action - our mitzvot will not become chametz. Let's take lesson from Nike - Just Do It!

Friday, January 8, 2016

דבר תורה לפרשת וארא

דבר תורה לפרשת וארא

When we are appreciative of what we have and who is around us, it will help us love our life and the world we live in. Parshat Va’era talks about the first 7 makot that Moshe and Aaron display to Paroh. The first 3 all have to do with either water or the earth. Who did those makot? Aaron did them, Moshe did not. Moshe looked at those makot and said “Hey, years ago, the water and the earth saved me in different ways, I will not harm them!” Moshe had a trait called hakarat hatov - appreciation. Even though these are inanimate objects, Moshe’s gut was telling him that he did not want to be part of harming them, and therefore Aaron had to perform these makot.

In a recent movie I saw, a villain and a hero are on the roof. They had just ran through the whole building chasing each other. Villain is this huge guy, muscles, deep voice, and the hero is normal sized. Villain is holding something in his hand that if he lets it go, the whole building will blow up. In the heat of the moment, the hero looks at him and says, “Hey you look familiar - I think we used to go to school together? You used to have issues at recess and I used to help you! It's you - isn't it????” Villain instantly switches his demeanor - his face drops. He is no longer ready to hurt this guy. He hands the bomb over to the hero and runs off the roof. Everyone around asked the villain why he didn't kill him! The villain gives a grin and walks away. This was hakarat hatov. Even in the heat of the moment, the villain felt an inner urge to show his appreciation to the hero.

Hakarat hatov can happen every day, and it can happen in any form. Sometimes we don't even realize what we need to be thankful for, we are so used to the good that is around us, that we forget to stop and be appreciative. This shabbat, take a lesson from Moshe - think about the people in your life that you should be thankful to, and thank them.